Genre: alternative
Instruments: synthesizer, hands clapping, piano, drums,
Why it's a Favorite: "The dog days are over/the dog days are done/ can you hear the horses?/because here they come." It's saying that you are about to be saved from the bad days your're currently facing. There is something about the beat that makes me want to jump around singing and dancing.
0:00-0:37 Verse 1: slow melody, soft vocals with only a synthesizer playing in the background
0:38-1:16 Verse 2: same melody, but a piano and hand clapping is introduced, vocals start to build in power
1:17-1:43 Chorus: melody begins to pick up, vocals become much more powerful, piano volume increases, obvious overdubbing of lead vocals
1:44-2:14 Verse 3: slows down again (melody and vocals), only piano in background
2:15-2:40 Verse 4: HUGE contrast, much faster melody and instruments, VERY powerful vocals
2:41-2:53 Chorus: faster, more upbeat than previous chorus
2:54-3:05 drum/hand clapping solo
3:06-3:18 Verse 4 Repeated
3:19-3:33 Chorus
3:34:end Chorus: performed by what sounds more like a choir of sorts
this song helps me get through anything.