"Fire with Fire" by The Scissor Sisters

New to Me

Genre: Alternative/Pop

Instruments: piano, electric guitar, drums, synthesizer

First Impression: upbeat, fast tempo, doesn't sound like anything I've listened to before, almost as if its a rock song trying to be a dance song

How I Chose It: It was a free download on iTunes

0:00-0:05 Piano Introduction
0:06-0:35 Verse 1: lead vocals, piano, possible synthesizers, steady beat
0:36-0:51 Chorus: same beat and instrumentation
0:52-1:04 Instrumental Break
1:05-1:33 Verse 2: beat getting faster, more upbeat, sounds as if something is building
1:34-2:03 Chorus: more upbeat, background vocals added
2:04-2:23 Verse 3: different than before, different melody, same beat
2:24-3:00 Verse 4: like verse 1, calmer, slower but seems as if something is building
3:01- 3:13 Instrumental Break
3:14-3:27 repeats lines from previous verse
3:28-end Chorus: same as before

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