"Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles

Assigned Listening

Genre: Rock and roll

instruments: violins, cello

Lyrics: Tell the story of a lonely women. If there is a deeper meaning, it is lost on me.

0:00-0:13 Introduction: repeated vocals sung by group
0:14-0:31 Verse 1: vocals performed by one person, violin only for instruments
0:32-0:45 Chorus: same tempo as verse, one singer, violin only
0:46-1:02 Verse 2: same as verse 1 but with different lyrics
1:03-1:16 Chorus: same as before
1:17-1:30 introduction repeats
1:31-1:45 Verse 3: same as previous verses with different lyrics
1:46-end Chorus: same lead vocals, but with background repeating what is being sung

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